Saatchi Art side step. Etsy Art Shop Website I've been spending a lot of time studying and testing SEO for my Etsy Artist Shop in order to help drive traffic to my Art Prints. And, for the record, there is a lot of really great information out there - but in general...
Artist Failure – Perfect and Absolute
Artist failure is vital. Fear of failure is counterproductive. Does failure bother me? Sure. But I can't be afraid of it happening. Fear can be paralyzing. Fear of a failing painting can be very difficult to deal with and often compounds problems. Every painting I...
Artist Studio Documentation
Artist Studio practice*. Prior to Contemporary Landscape Painting teaching classes at Station Gallery in Whitby Ontario, I give a lot of thought to my process and why I do some of the things I do. I had started recording the process from start to finish with a few...
Etsy Art Prints Subscriptions
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David Byrne American Utopia
David Byrne - Live at the Sony Centre for the Performing Arts, Toronto Ontario. Decades ago, as a small boy, I was introduced to Talking Heads through two different relatives on two different occasions (read about it here). It was the early part of the 1980's and I...
The Bird Art Print
I've been making a Lino Cut Bird Art Print! I had started practicing lino cutting over the last year or so. It started out as a little side project for myself. It was a process I had learned decades ago, along with screen printing, while in my high school art class. I...
Talking Heads Fuels Art
The name of the band is... Some time early in the 1980's my family went into the big city of Vancouver, British Columbia to visit family. My dad's cousin Jimmy, who my brother and I called cousin Jimmy was a bearded fellow who, to my young eyes, walked to the beat of...
Destroyer Fuels Art
Destroyer has a new record out and it's right nice, as usual. Dan Bejar at his finest. In early 2001 my friend Jamie sent me a cassette in which were copied some Destroyer songs from the Streethawk: A Seduction album. I was immediately and irrevocably head over heels...
Gord Downie Fuels Art
21 years in my short list of 'need to see' bands. I never did see The Tragically Hip or Gord Downie live. I had opportunities and serious intentions. Early on, sold out shows, conflicting events or travel kept pushing it back to 'next time'. Even after moving to...
Car & Driver
This photo of my cousin has been in my family's possession for decades. It was taken in 1984. I remember it as a kid. I remember the cars that my cousin would buy and sell. He loved cars. It's possible that this photos inspired my new series of automobiles and their...